Erica Tucci

The journey to self discovery

In Tarot, Swords is the suit of thoughts, ideas, beliefs and curiosity. It’s about the intellect, communication, language and truth. It concerns clarity of thought, focus, order, limitations and boundaries. The card for this week is the Six of Swords, which reflects coming out of a time where your mind might be muddled, perhaps with […]  

Putting plans into place

The Tarot card for this week is the Two of Wands. This card depicts the fire and passion behind an insight that propels it forward into a plan of action. Perhaps you have a new enterprise you would like to set in motion. The Two of Wands is telling you that it’s time to take […]  

Experiencing the richness that life can give you

As you might know, I have begun to delve deep into the Tarot and its symbolism. It has become the guiding principle in my life. I absolutely love it for the insights I have received from the cards. When I first started learning the Tarot, one suggested exercise was to pull a card a day, […]  

Life after stroke – to live is to surrender

I know this may sound crazy to some, but I am glad I had a stroke. “How can that be?” you might ask, thinking of how debilitating a stroke can be. Well, first let me step back to the day I had my stroke and then elaborate on why I consider my condition to be […]  

The road to higher consciousness is not easy

As I travel down the road to recovery from my stroke, I think about what I’ve been through, where I am and where I’m headed. My stroke was not just a physical situation. Yes, on the physical level, I had a hole in my heart that allowed a blood clot to pass through and land in my brain, causing an ischemic stroke, which paralyzed my right side. BUT there was a huge spiritual component to why I had a stroke. I went through a total transformation of self, moving from an ego-based mindset to a more heart-centered consciousness, the final goal being to find an inner balance between the masculine and feminine principles within. This was my karma, the road to a more enlightened way of being for me. But having such a life-altering experience so that one can be elevated to a new level of consciousness is certainly not what I wanted or expected. I didn’t think it would have to be that hard. Boy, was I wrong! Trying to become a more conscious soul, at any level, is not an easy task, nor is it for the delicate spirit. It takes a lot of fortitude, a lot of perseverance and a lot of faith! It also takes the ability to align your vision of what you want with what the universe has destined for you, since you are co-creators of your life.  

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