Erica Tucci

Discovering Your Yin Radiance

How do we reach the sacred place of the feminine within when we have been dominated by male-scripted tenets of our society for millennia…when our womanliness has been defined by these male precepts…how we should look, think and behave? How can we embody the Great Goddess within and radiate her feminine essence without?

First, it is important to recognize that we are all androgynous, having both masculine and feminine aspects within our psyche. The relationship between the two can be described as follows:  The feminine or Yin energy represents the feeling or intuitive heart center, which becomes manifest through creative thought and desire. The masculine or Yang energy represents the mental aspect of the mind, which becomes manifest through action. So in this sense, it can be said that the feminine sits at the center of the Universe (at the heart center) manifesting what is felt and desired and then calls upon the masculine aspect to put this creative thought into action, all for the greatest good.

Ultimately, it is important there be a balance between these two aspects, where the Yin and Yang principles work in concert to manifest “that which is.” HOWEVER, fear of the creative, intuitive, heart-centered feminine nature has caused a separation between the two polar principles, resulting in a world entrenched in male-dominated values where the feminine energy has been squelched. The denial of this Yin aspect has tipped the balance of our world, both inwardly and outwardly.

We as women must reclaim this Divine femininity within through a cleansing of the masculine-driven beliefs that have been engrained in us. By doing so, we will be a catalyst in restoring the harmony and balance within our world.

So how can we go about distilling these one-sided creeds to restore the balance within so that we can carry this message out into the world? Yin Radiance: The Journey to Inner Balance will help you connect with the inner aspects of your psyche, identify beliefs you may have embodied and discover your authentic sacred feminine essence. Through a program of discussion and revelation, exercises and meditations suffused with encouragement and support, you will be able to purge masculine-centered beliefs you may have internalized so you can reach an illuminated state of feminine awakening.

Yin Radiance: The Journey to Inner Balance program

I’m delighted to be offering you my Yin Radiance program, a 13-week program, which you can either complete within the 13 weeks or you can select the pace at which you wish to move through each individual “leg”. This way, you can ruminate and assimilate at your own speed, of course understanding that Spirit will help guide you through your journey, if you keep your heart and mind open to all inner messages.

You will be creating your individualized vision statement, which is a compelling affirmative statement about how your life will be when you are living fully from your inner authentic feminine essence. Additionally, we will use material in my book Zesty Womanhood at 40 and Beyond: Second Act, New Role, as there are powerful messages conveyed in the chapters of the book. You will receive an electronic version of the book when you participate in the program. Click here if you wish to purchase an autographed copy.

One important note!

As you progress through your personal evolution, seeing things more and more clearly, your vision statement may change. At some point in time, it may be good to reassess where you are and produce another vision statement. If this does happen, the timing of such will become known to you when it’s right. Life is dynamic…it’s ever-changing. We don’t want to ever stop growing. When we do, it’s time to make our transition into the ether.

What an exciting adventure it is to explore yourself in ways you never thought possible and to be transformed over and over again as you peel the layers off, revealing all the levels of beauty of your soul!

Completing the program

The Yin Radiance program runs for 13 weeks:

  • 1st week – Gather the program materials—read through them to prepare for your journey
  • 2nd week – Fill out the Discovering Your Yin Radiance questionnaire and write your vision statement
  • 3rd – 12th week – Each week, read a chapter in Zesty Womanhood and do the exercise at the end
  • 13th week – Closing, lessons learned, survey, and final comments

Please note that we will have a phone or video session at the end of each week to discuss the lessons and what you learned, and answer any questions or concerns you may have. I am also available via email anytime you need me for support.


  • Full payment – $XXX
  • Installment plan – $XXX for X months

Join my sacred feminine community and receive your Yin Radiance gift package.