Erica Tucci

Zesty Womanhood at 40 and Beyond

The sacred feminine is rising throughout the world like the Phoenix. Zesty Womanhood at 40 and Beyond invokes women to reclaim this Divine essence that is being reborn, first within themselves, and then to shine this beacon of the soul out into the Universe.


Turning 40 or thereabouts is a pivotal point in a woman’s life. What awaits us as we enter the fifth decade of our lives are new challenges and adventures to experience as we seek to reclaim our Divine right as a woman. Everything that we have done thus far in our lives has only prepared us for what’s to come.

Spring is the season of renewal and I entered my 40s in April 1999. Perhaps there’s some Divine intent for me being born in spring. I have often felt that every new experience is like a rebirth. My, my, that means I’ve been pregnant many, many times, giving birth to new and different meanings to my life each time, all sacred and precious because of the wisdom that I have gained.

To some people, reaching 40 is like death. It’s sad that these people have lived 40 years of their lives only to feel that now their lives are over, that it’s down hill from here on out. I want to shake them and scream at them for having their eyes shut, their minds tuned out, and their hearts closed to the riches that are now theirs.

Instead we should look back over the first 40 years of our lives and see how every circumstance, every venture, every experience were scenes in the first act of our life play and how all these events set the stage for the second act.

Such a glorious way of expressing the renewal of feminine power that our world is experiencing. Zesty Womanhood at 40 and Beyond is a delightfully exciting collection of observations about the 40something woman who joyfully ventures into the next season of her life to find the treasures that await her.

Now the curtain has risen again, and the principal character stands alone, center stage, with a single spot gleaming upon her, reminding us that it is she to whom this play is dedicated. She is us and this is her/our life. I will be telling my story, but as I do, I will be telling the story of many women who have reached that very special age of forty.

Join me as the events of the play unfold. There will be scenes on finding personal boundaries, experiencing love, seeing beauty through older eyes, transforming through relationships, reclaiming one’s feminine power, letting go of old behaviors and thoughts, living a life without expectations, getting out of chaos, and coming full circle. And because life is meant to be full of joy and mirth, the book closes with something to leave you chuckling.

Please note that as you read each chapter, you may encounter some contradictions. This is because it took me seven years to complete the book and as I wrote each chapter, I reached a new level of growth and new awareness. I may have believed one thing one way at one time while writing one chapter, then after gaining more awareness about a situation, my perception may have changed. This is all part of the process we go through as we journey down that road of evolution.

I dedicate this book to all women who have entered their fifth decade of life and who revel in the treasures that pour forth. For this is the beginning of the best years of a woman’s life. It is the time to reclaim the Divine female within. My story is YOUR story!

One note before you begin the “second act”…At the end of each chapter, I have included an exercise to help you apply the meaning of the chapter to yourself. I suggest that you read the exercise and then journal your answer through “stream of consciousness” writing. You might be surprised at how cathartic this can be for you as you allow your innermost thoughts and insights to be revealed on paper. I emphasize that you don’t allow your ego or inner critic to get in the way of your free-flowing writing. Just write from the depths of your heart and soul…

For a sneak preview of my book, click here to download the first three chapters. Then if you’re enticed to read more, I’m selling autographed copies (click the Buy now button below). You can also purchase the paperback or Kindle edition at And customer reviews are always greatly appreciated.

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