Erica Tucci

What it means to be a woman

One of my questions I ask women who partake in my Yin Radiance program is “what does it mean to you to be a woman?” I’ve also reached out to other women to whom I communicate, asking them the same question. Below are the responses of those who have kindly given me permission to post them here (I’ve included my own answer). Their expressions come from deep within their hearts as they share what it is to be a woman and their experiences that exemplify their profound pride as women supporting other women. Shall we all embrace one another as kindred spirits as we explore and expand our feminine creativity and inner power, allowing it to radiate outward into the magnificent universe we live in.

If you’re interested in sharing your feelings about being a women, please let me know and I will post it here.

Judith B. Krings, Ph.D., PCC “To have it all!” I am reminded how lucky and grateful I am to all my fore-mothers who blessed me with the knowledge there was nothing I could not do. Though it took me years to develop the confidence I have now.

Patricia LaCroix, CMC, CGL For me, being a woman means having been blessed with an extra amount of caring, devotion, commitment, wisdom, fortitude, endurance, hopefulness, faithfulness, patience, understanding and love. God has decided to give to us women an abundant, never-ending wealth of these talents, which we use with the equally God-given gifts of grace, sophistication, and beauty. LaCroix Creative LLC,,

Saqi Dosaj Being a woman means so many things to me but in a nutshell, it’s about honoring the intuition, the natural cycles, and seeing beyond the physical plane, to the spiritual and integrating the two.

Michelle Hedgecock Empowering our next generation by supporting each other and striving to our greatest potential—enjoying and embracing this amazing sisterhood.

Deridre Nelson Knowing the strength of the women’s shoulders you stand on.

Veronica Egurrola The best part of being an empowered woman is knowing you had/have the FAITH to do what you’ve set out to do!

Lauri Berger de Brito Trying to fully live in the present – enjoying my kids & husband, enjoying what i do for a living (helping create other families for people going through infertility), choosing to be happy!

AnnaMariah Nau For me it’s about going beyond our jobs, our lives, and our families and reconnecting with the truth of who we are. We do that by re-membering the sacred, the soul of who we are as women and as community. It’s all about HerStory, OurStory and YourStory and allowing those stories to come forth to enrich our souls.

Barbara Grace Reynolds 

To be a woman means to accept yourself exactly as you are as you give yourself permission to grow and evolve. It also means putting yourself first on your to do list.

Erica Tucci Being a woman to me means to honor the sacred feminine within me…the Goddess essence, knowing that I’m one with Spirit, with the Great Mother that embodies that sacred feminine essence; being a creator of life not only of a physical life but of anything that bubbles up from my soul…creating an image of what I see my life as being and then being able to manifest it into reality. To have the innate ability to see things beyond our physical vision. Being able to cherish my body as the vessel of my soul and to use and nurture it in a capacity that nurtures my soul through whatever pleasures I feel I wish to engage in. Comfortable with my sexuality; being able to also embody my masculine aspects of my psyche as they are also a part of me as a woman. I create yet I also act.

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