Erica Tucci

The way of the heart

We finished our discussion on the Major Arcana cards that make up the Fool’s journey in my last blog post. If you have any questions or concerns thus far, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Today, I’m going to begin the explanation of the Minor Arcana cards of the Tarot. As I stated in the […]  

Integrating the unconscious and conscious

To finish the discussion on the cards of the Tarot that make up the Fool’s Journey, I will be showing you the symbolism of the last nine cards of the Major Arcana, as they define the integration of our conscious and unconscious worlds. If you remember in my last post, I covered those cards that […]  

Constructing our ego

Today’s Tarot installment is going to talk about constructing our ego, where we venture out into the world, coming into contact with others, which in turn helps us to get in touch with our own essence. Hopefully, through our experiences, we learn how to make the right choices for our highest good. In other words, […]  

Developing one’s basic drives

Last blog post, I gave you a brief glimpse of how the Tarot works and mentioned that I wanted to delve a little further into the cards’ meanings, specifically how they represent the “quest” for personal evolution, both on a spiritual level and on a more earthly level. I wanted to show how our spiritual endeavors […]  

The way of the hero

You know…in all my excitement around the Tarot and starting the “card of the week” exercise to hopefully provide insights that may help you in making decisions in your life, I neglected the most basic concern. And that is, if you don’t know or understand the Tarot, what I have been blabbering about for the […]  

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