Erica Tucci

Integrating the unconscious and conscious

TransfigurationTo finish the discussion on the cards of the Tarot that make up the Fool’s Journey, I will be showing you the symbolism of the last nine cards of the Major Arcana, as they define the integration of our conscious and unconscious worlds. If you remember in my last post, I covered those cards that represented the construction of our ego through relations with the world outside of us, and how these relations help us make the choices we make and how we become clearer about our inner (unconscious) and outer (ego) lives, so that we may become more balanced.

Today we will be covering the cards that look at ourselves as we Alchemistconfront deeply rooted issues and integrate the dark and light sides of our personality. By doing so, we accept the good, the bad and the ugly aspects of ourselves, and with that comes a sense of true fulfillment, where we learn how to take life in stride. We are able to swim with the tide through storm and shine, embracing all that life has to offer.

This last leg of the journey begins with Transfiguration (Death), where we begin to rid ourselves of old patterns of behavior. In a sense, because we’re putting an end to old ways of being, we may seem like we’re dying to allow for the birth of a new way of being. It is a transition into a more fulfilling way of life.

Dark LordBut transition is never easy and we usually find ourselves on an emotional roller coaster ride, which we know is necessary. However, we finally realize that we need to find an inner balance and stability…an equilibrium where we find harmony in our life, as symbolized by the Alchemist (Temperance).

TowerBut if we’re not careful, we may allow ourselves to get carried away by the illusion that we have already “arrived” at an enlightened state and that we have no more to deal with. This is where we encounter the Dark Lord (Devil), which brings us out of our ignorance by revealing those repressed factors that we thought we had assimilated but were still hanging around ready to do battle. It is now time to confront our Shadow (our less pleasant side).

StarIf we refuse to do so, we may receive an unexpected emotional shock, illustrated by the Tower. We may feel like there’s a total destruction of life (for example, illness or loss of a job) as if we were struck by a bolt of lightning. We are kicked in the butt to force us down a new path.

If we welcome this renewal with open arms, we will enter a period of rest. We will have a better understanding of ourselves and the outside worlds. We begin to understand that things may not go as we planned in life, but we are filled with a calmness that makes us less open to influence by others. As we begin turning inward, we are in the phase of the Star.

But as we turn inward, we are faced once again with deep-rooted factors Moonthat may visit us in dreams, feelings, emotions and projections. This is the phase of the Moon where hidden realities surface and we must let them speak as they play a big role in our personal growth if we want to become “whole” and enter the phase of the Sun.

SunBasking in the Sun’s light is a time of joy, where we embrace all of life. “Discover the child within us and be playful!” is the Sun’s mantra, asking us to balance this childlike state with our responsibility as an adult. We begin to truly love ourselves and accept ourselves for who we are and what value we bring to the world. Only then can we appreciate others for who they are…

Only then can we enter the phase of Judgment, where we have a deep Judgmentlove for life itself as we experience the relationship between ourselves and the world. We feel a deep sense of spirituality, that inner “knowing” that life is truly meant to be good and fulfilling.

WorldAnd this feeling is what the World is all about. We look at life with a much more open perspective. We know that life has its dark and bright sides, where joy and sorrow are two sides of the same coin. We accept life as it is, dancing along with the rhythms of our existence. We have become one with the world.

And so it is…we have reached the end of the Fool’s Journey where we are heroes of our own lives, as we have traveled far and wide through treacherous landscapes, and we have been triumphant. Next post, I will start discussing the Minor Arcana cards. These cards take a look at how the Fool’s Journey plays out in our daily lives. They are divided into four suits – Pentacles for the physical viewpoint, Cups for the emotional viewpoint, Wands for the spiritual viewpoint and Swords for the mental viewpoint.

We are about halfway through posts on the Tarot. I really would love to hear from you, letting me know if these resonate with you, or providing constructive criticism that would help me better serve you. And again, if you’re interested, please subscribe to my blog by clicking the Subscribe button below, to keep receiving posts that I hope will be inspiring and enlightening to you. And if you would enjoy getting a Tarot reading from me, click here.


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