Erica Tucci

Developing one’s basic drives

Last blog post, I gave you a brief glimpse of how the Tarot works and mentioned that I wanted to delve a little further into the cards’ meanings, specifically how they represent the “quest” for personal evolution, both on a spiritual level and on a more earthly level. I wanted to show how our spiritual endeavors and our actions and behaviors of everyday life support one another. I mentioned the Fool’s Journey, which is essentially the journey through life that we all take to ultimately realize our “wholeness” as human beings.

Today, I would like to discuss the first phase of this journey and the associated Major Arcana cards: developing our basic drives. The cards symbolizing this phase are of course, the Fool (or Initiate), Magician, High Priestess, Empress, Emperor and Hierophant.

The Fool/InitiateThe Fool/Initiate is the absolute beginning of everything, even before it becomes concrete. He/she represents a total openness to life where all things are possible. So, whenever the Fool/Initiate is positioned in a Tarot reading, it means that you may be taking a leap into the unknown, but with the potential for great growth.

Following the Fool are the yin and yang cards that define the masculine and feminine energies we all have within. You have the Magician (yang) and High Priestess (yin), which have an inward focus, and the Emperor (yang) and Empress (yin), which have an outward focus. Regarding the male principle, the Magician expresses the need for setting inner goals, whereas the Emperor is more concerned with external structure and order. Regarding the female principle, the High Priestess is a very passive, receptive, serene and mystical archetype, which is associated with your unconscious. The Empress, on the other hand, represents the more vibrant enlivening energy that embodies fertility and creativity, bringing our inner spark to fruition in our lives. And finally, there is the Hierophant who adds a spiritual dimension to life by creating a bridge between the two forces.

Perhaps you’re starting a new relationship that is completely different from previous ones, or you’re starting a whole new career. Maybe you’re making a big geographical move across the ocean, or you have decided that you want to join an ashram and get away from your frenetic world. These may be some events that appear in your life when the Fool archetype is operating inside of you.

The MagicianThe Magician paves the way for the Fool’s challenge to be put into conscious action. He is the archetype of manifestation, giving life meaning and direction by providing the motivation and vision to bring the Fool’s impulse into awareness.

But we should not extend ourselves outwardly without also giving credence to our inner The High Priestessvoice, which helps us know who we really are, as it is our connection to the Divine. This is the role of the High Priestess archetype, which shows up when we take the time to separate from our outside reality and move into our unconscious to listen to its sacred messages. Our unconscious is like a wellspring from which all of creation begins.

The EmpressThen there are the Empress and the Emperor archetypes, which both take the Magician’s and High Priestess’ inner goals and vision and put structure and order around them. Whereas the High Priestess is passive and represents the “mental’ side of the female archetype with her deep intuitive understanding, the Empress embodies the active “emotional” side. She signifies the spontaneous and passionate approach to life, helping us to relate to our outer world through our senses; thus, she is associated with our sensuality. She is surrounded by all that is beautiful, enchanting and abundant. She is the Great Mother of the natural world.

The Emperor, on the other hand, is the masculine archetype of structure and boundaries, The Emperorcommand, stability and authority. He dictates how one should behave in society by following its rules. He is rational and analytical, and values analysis and measurement over emotion and intuition. Where the Empress personifies the Mother, the Emperor personifies the Father.

The HierophantFinally, the Hierophant represents the final drive of the Fool, after that of communion with the natural world as depicted by the Empress, and his/her development within a social role as depicted by the Emperor. The Hierophant is indicative of life’s polarities that reside in us: the masculine and feminine, the conscious and unconscious, action and creation, etc. He forms the bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. He symbolizes teaching, tradition, inspiration and revelation. He is the final authority on matters of faith. He creates the foundation for a sacred life, moving us down the path of enlightenment, to personal salvation, to union with the Universe. If the Hierophant show up in a Tarot reading, it may just indicate that you are on a path of self-discovery or that you need to be.

Well, there you have the general meanings to the first six cards of the Major Arcana that symbolize the development of one’s basic desires. My next post will cover the next seven cards that discuss the construction of the ego.

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