Erica Tucci

Experiencing the richness that life can give you

As you might know, I have begun to delve deep into the Tarot and its symbolism. It has become the guiding principle in my life. I absolutely love it for the insights I have received from the cards.

When I first started learning the Tarot, one suggested exercise was to pull a card a day, interpreting it and seeing how it may play out throughout the day. I have decided to take this to another level…to pull a card per week and write a blog post about it. I will give its traditional meaning and ways it may be interpreted. Then I will ask you how it may relate to your week and what messages it might give you, possibly providing direction on how you can enrich your life that week.

Ten of Pentacles

For example, this week I pulled the Ten of Pentacles, which is very appropriate since it is about attaining total fulfillment in all aspects of one’s life, something that I feel we all are striving for (correct me if I am wrong!). It’s a card of prosperity, but not just monetary wealth. It symbolizes a richness of spirit, wholesomeness in relationships, physical robustness and emotional and mental well-being.

There is a “marriage” of spirituality and matter (earthliness) in this card. It shows one connecting with the Divine by communicating with nature. It speaks to a time of great wisdom and spiritual depth, and seeing life as full of wonder, manifesting into goodness and wholesomeness. It signifies attaining all that one desires and living life to its fullest. It represents great wealth and success that will carry into the future. And there’s a sense of permanence and commitment in relationships. Essentially, it speaks to a life well lived, vibrant and satisfactory in every way.

How does this speak to you for this week? Is there something that you may be bringing closure to…some big or small accomplishment that you can then revel in your success? Is there a marital proposal forthcoming to concretize a relationship? Or a job promotion? Or have you invested in something and you are now seeing the rewards from your venture? Or are you finally seeing the physical results of your consistent trips to the gym? Or maybe you are feeling much lighter, stronger and happier emotionally because you have learned to surrender to Spirit and live life “in the flow”, so to speak. That’s how the Ten of Pentacles speaks to me, as I continue living by my mantra “I am on a magic carpet ride with Spirit at the helm”.

As an exercise, go through the week, each day pondering how the Ten of Pentacles is being reflected in your day-to-day activities and how it may give you some guidance as to what you might do so you can “experience the richness that life can give you”. At the end of the week, I would love to hear what came up for you.

And of course, if you would like a Tarot reading, you know where to find me!

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