Erica Tucci

Earthly delights!

Last post, I discussed one of the four suits that make up the Minor Arcana – the Cups, which represent the emotional aspect of our human experience. There are three remaining suits: Pentacles (physical), Swords (mental) and Wands (spiritual). In this installment, I will go through the cards of the Pentacles suit, which deals with the material aspect of life: your physical well-being, your material possessions and financial circumstances, your work and business endeavors. The suit also reflects your ego, self-esteem and self-image. Pentacles show how you create, shape and transform your outer reality.

As I said in my previous post, my descriptions of the Tarot cards are very general, just to give you an idea of how the Tarot can be used as a tool for personal development. When used in a reading, each card’s meaning will be based on its underlying symbolism, but will vary from reading to reading, depending on a variety of factors – the question(s) asked, the personality of the person requesting the reading, the circumstances of that person, etc. My intuition also plays a big part in what is revealed to me through the cards.

Ace of PentaclesTo start with the Ace of Pentacles, remember that Aces are the cards of new beginnings and potential, new opportunities and new cycles. With Pentacles representing the world of physical existence, the Ace signifies new financial opportunities, a feeling of prosperity and abundance. This sense of wealth could be monetary or holistic, where you feel abundant in all areas of your life. The Ace is symbolic of manifesting that which you desire. Your ideas of what you want are ripe for becoming tangible.

Two of PentaclesThe Two of Pentacles reveals how you must find a balance between all that you desire in your life – financial endeavors, relationships, your well-being, etc. – to create overall prosperity and happiness. But also note that there may be obstacles that enter the mix that also need to be considered when juggling all your priorities so that you can maintain a successful balance among them all.

Three of PentaclesThe Three of Pentacles represents fulfillment and manifestation of a project in the material world, be it a creative venture of some other business project. The essence of the Three of Pentacles is the idea of teamwork and collaboration and planning.

Four of PentaclesThe Four of Pentacles can symbolize two meanings. On the positive side, it means that you have accomplished your goals and have reaped the material rewards. Negatively, it can signify that you have become miserly about your wealth, much like Scrooge.

Five of PentaclesThe Five of Pentacles typically indicate strife, most often in terms of material misfortune and lack (poverty, illness, etc.), but also on a psychological level, it may point to a difficult relationship with money due to your lack of self-worth.

Six of PentaclesOn the other hand, the Six of Pentacles represents being in harmony with your money. Being thankful for what you have, you are charitable and gladly share your wealth with others in need. But the card may indicate that you are instead the recipient of someone else’s charitable activities.

Seven of PentaclesThe Seven of Pentacles shows that you are now contemplating the fruits of your labor. You have amassed abundance and are now looking at ways of planning for the future. But the card may represent frustration if you begin to question whether all your hard work is indeed worth the effort.

Eight of PentaclesThe Eight of Pentacles reflects focusing all your energy on a project to make sure it will be the best it can be. You may be charging forward into an apprenticeship or a new creative endeavor or other work to improve an aspect of your life. You work diligently in your new undertaking.

Nine of PentaclesThe Nine of Pentacles indicates that you are at a point in your life where you are feeling confident and fulfilled, as you have attained much success through your efforts and are able to enjoy the good life. The card can also represent your communion with nature, as you show a great sense of appreciation for the beauty that surrounds you.

Ten of PentaclesThe Ten of Pentacles is a symbol of ultimate financial security, accomplishment and comfort. Through all your achievements, you wish to share your success with your loved ones to make sure they too are well cared for. You have created an environment of long-term security and stability for yourself and those close to you.

Page of PentaclesAs for the court cards, which comprise the Page, Knight, Queen and King, remember that they can represent a person, event or some aspect of you. The first court card, the Page of Pentacles, is a card of dreams and the desire to manifest those dreams in the material world. The card reflects the deep desire to attain wisdom and new skills, and to focus your attention on mastery that will result in ultimate success.

Knight of PentaclesThe Knight of Pentacles takes the Page’s dreams and helps make them manifest through a methodical and rigorous process. The card is one of great responsibility, trust and reliability that provide the foundation for successful accomplishment of your goals.

Queen of PentaclesThe Queen of Pentacles is a very maternal card, symbolizing Mother Earth, the archetypal figure that provides loving support and nurturing. She advises about your financial prosperity and security and being resourceful, and sharing your abundance with your loved ones.

King of PentaclesFinally, the King of Pentacles is the card of abundance, security, ambition, power, discipline, trustworthiness and control, all traits of a fatherly figure who wishes to provide for those dear to him. The card also asks you to be pragmatic, methodical and conscientious in practical matters, using your experience and maturity to achieve what you desire.

I have given a brief overview of the meanings of the Cups and Pentacles. Next post will be on the suit of Swords, which covers the mental aspects of our human experience, followed by the Wands, which illustrate the spiritual aspects.

I wish to reiterate that the information I have been providing in my posts regarding the Tarot really only scratch the surface of the subject and based on my personal experience and wisdom of the cards. Tarot is a system that assists a person on his/her path of personal transformation and has far-reaching tentacles. There is a dizzying amount of literature imparting the wisdom of this ancient discipline. It could take life times to learn all there is to know of its past and present influence in the world.

As always, I really would love to hear from you, letting me know if all this Tarot stuff resonates with you, or providing constructive criticism that would help me better serve you. Please subscribe to my blog by clicking the Subscribe button below, to keep receiving posts that I hope will be inspiring and enlightening to you. And if you would enjoy getting a Tarot reading from me, click here.

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