Erica Tucci

What do you do to bring positivity in your life?

I won! I have never won anything in my life, until now!

PositivityI won a free coaching session with Linda Puig, a business coach whose expertise is in running a “portable” business, that is, a business where you can be a globetrotter and run your business from any and all desired ports of call. The world is your oyster, so to speak! Traveling the world is a huge dream of mine and fits nicely in my vision of my new life I am creating for myself.

So I was pleasantly surprised when I received the email from Linda saying that among the deluge of applications she received from those applying for a free session, I was one of the winners. Woohoo!

This was one of many recent incidents in my life that seem to be a sign that my life is finally taking a turn for the better. And I have asked myself  “What have I done to bring such good fortune into my life?” after years of struggling to create the life I have wanted, but to no avail.

Is it…?

  • the miracle mantra meditation 40-day challenge I just finished (but continue with until the next challenge), or
  • the course I recently took to find my authentic voice (and am still doing the recommended daily practices), or
  • the affirmations I have been reciting morning and night for full healing and abundance, or
  • my attempts to live more mindfully, trying to enjoy each precious moment of each day (not always easy since I have such a monkey mind), or
  • by letting go and letting God, doing my part by relinquishing my need to control, knowing that Spirit has my back, or
  • by recognizing and appreciating the small steps of progress I make and not looking only for the giant leaps, or
  • by simplifying my life, getting rid of all excess baggage such as material possessions that won’t serve me in my new life (it feels so good to rid myself of the old “superfluous stuff”), and lastly
  • the vision board that I have created for my ideal life?

I have come to the conclusion that it wasn’t any one of them, but all of them. They have all had an impact on this turning point in my life because, as I see it, when your dreams align with the dreams that the Universe holds for you, things begin to shift. My thoughts, beliefs and actions are all instruments of an orchestra, playing in harmony to my song of transformation that the Universe is singing. I am being carried along by the tune of vision and manifestation to create the life I have so desired for so long. Remember my mantra that I live by? “I am on a magic carpet ride with Spirit at the helm.” It seems that the magic is truly happening now, and I look forward to the miracles that await me!

Do you have magic in your life? How are you bringing positivity into your life? What do you do to help create the life that you have always wanted. If you are or have created your ideal life, I would love for you to share how you are doing it in the comments below. It might be an inspiration to others just beginning their own journey of change. Perhaps you could even talk about some of the pitfalls you have had along the way. We all know that life is full of ups and downs, and it is how we traverse the rocky parts of the path that determine the ease or difficulty at which we realize our dreams.

It has taken me quite some time to get to the point where I am finally seeing glimpses of my new life, where they are no longer just fantasies, but real tangible “touchy feely” indications of what’s to come.

My biggest pitfall has been my unconscious resistance to surrendering whole-heartedly and letting go of my need for control, especially since my stroke. Even to this day, I find myself trying to manipulate a situation to do what I think is the right thing to do. For example, pushing myself to an extreme during exercise (which is my old mindset) instead of pacing myself (which is my new mindset). For me, being gentler on myself is what I need if I am ever going to fully recover. In other words, I need to BE more than DO. Does that make sense? I’m still working on it!

Old habits die hard!! And when you are in a state of transformation, sometimes it seems almost impossible to fight the gremlins of the past. That’s when it’s time to bring positivity into your life to drown out the voices of those gremlins that want to keep you in their grip.

Start looking at your life through a different set of lens. Think about what you have, not what you don’t have. Believe that you have a purpose in life, that you have a gift to share with the world. Go out and be a beacon of light for others.

Do something differently every day. Add a little spice to your usual routine. Shake up the mundane activities of your day.

Find time to pray and meditate each day. Listen to what Spirit has to say. You may be surprised at the messages you receive if you set your egoic monkey mind aside.

And never, ever give up on your quest for life. As I said at the very beginning of this post, when your dreams align with what Spirit has destined for you, miraculous things happen.

Shine your light and be the radiant creature that you are!

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